[Alliance Enews] Tomorrow is Last Chance to Register for National Day of Action

Luke Sikinyi LukeS at rightsandrecovery.org
Thu Nov 9 11:57:40 EST 2023

Alliance Note: Please see below for information on how to register for the Federal Anti-Solitary Taskforce's National Day of Action for the federal End Solitary Confinement Act. The event will be on Tuesday November 14th. There are also a number of other ways for you to get involved in campaigns for needed criminal justice reforms nationally and right here in New York State.

View this email in your browser<https://url.avanan.click/v2/___https:/us7.campaign-archive.com/?e=%5bUNIQID%5d&u=529f60ca638d4b490101ff019&id=2f7aa53427___.YXAzOm55YXByczphOm86MGU5NTIxODQ3YjZjYzk1YjNiNzc3MDY4NjlkMTMyOTE6Njo3NmU2Ojg3ZDRiN2ExNWIzNzNmNmM4NGRjOWExZmNmZTUxN2MyYTIzNGRkMTFjZGJhZjdlODdmZmUzMjFmYzQwMDM5ZDM6aDpG>
Last Chance to Register for Nov. 14 National Day of Action to End Solitary Confinement

Tomorrow, Friday, Nov 10 is the last chance to register to join the Federal Anti-Solitary Taskforce for a National Day of Action in support of the federal End Solitary Confinement Act on Tuesday, Nov. 14. Please register here: https://solitaryistorture.com/register/<https://url.avanan.click/v2/___https:/solitaryistorture.com/register/___.YXAzOm55YXByczphOm86MGU5NTIxODQ3YjZjYzk1YjNiNzc3MDY4NjlkMTMyOTE6NjozZDY0OmM2NzY2YjljODVmZTQ5YTQyZjhkZTAwZGRlNzExYTM2MGFjYzM4NWEwMDAwNDNhODQ4NGNhMWU5YzdlMzc0NGQ6aDpG>.

There will be a training on federal advocacy at 12 pm ET, a virtual rally at 2 pm with Congresswoman Cori Bush, and virtual meetings with congressional offices at different points during the day from 10 am to 4 pm ET. Please join to build support for this bill!

Also, if you have the time and capacity yourself to schedule meetings with your own representatives, please let us know and we can share some materials to coordinate with you.

Have Your Group Sign Letter to U.S. Senate to End Solitary

Please consider having all of your organizations / groups / congregations sign onto this letter<https://url.avanan.click/v2/___https:/bit.ly/SenateEndSolitary___.YXAzOm55YXByczphOm86MGU5NTIxODQ3YjZjYzk1YjNiNzc3MDY4NjlkMTMyOTE6NjoxMWY0OmYyZjhmNWExMDdjMTZmMjM3ZDM3YWUzNjMzNThiNWZjYWY0ODY3ZGRhM2VlNDhmZDRhYzY3ZjA0ZmQ1NDVkZDU6aDpG> encouraging Senator Durbin, Chair of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, to introduce a Senate companion bill to the End Solitary Confinement Act by filling out this form: https://bit.ly/SenateEndSolitary<https://url.avanan.click/v2/___https:/bit.ly/SenateEndSolitary___.YXAzOm55YXByczphOm86MGU5NTIxODQ3YjZjYzk1YjNiNzc3MDY4NjlkMTMyOTE6NjoxMGEwOmQ1Yjk1YjU4OTc1MGY3NGVlODBlNDFlNTQyNmUzNjZkMDNiYWNiNTYwN2I2MjQyOGExMTJlNDE2ZjQ3NmE2ODc6aDpG>. Please sign on by Monday, Nov. 13.

Please Take 30 Seconds to Use this Action Tool<https://url.avanan.click/v2/___https:/bit.ly/EndSolitaryNYC2023___.YXAzOm55YXByczphOm86MGU5NTIxODQ3YjZjYzk1YjNiNzc3MDY4NjlkMTMyOTE6Njo1MTVjOmM2ODZmMzUxNmVjNjYyYjMzZTczOTVlZmVhNDhiYWRiYzI2ZGQ2MzJmYzI5MzJkZDA0NjM4OTViZDZhOTIyZDI6aDpG> TODAY to Urge NYC Council to End Solitary Confinement

We are at a critical moment this week in the push to end solitary confinement in NYC. Please take 30 seconds TODAY by using this action tool<https://url.avanan.click/v2/___https:/bit.ly/EndSolitaryNYC2023___.YXAzOm55YXByczphOm86MGU5NTIxODQ3YjZjYzk1YjNiNzc3MDY4NjlkMTMyOTE6Njo4MGMwOjE2NTZjZjhkMzdlMTJmYTZhZWFiZmViNzJlYWRiMjY2OTIyNTFhMTNlN2YzNTQzZDBhM2QwNjMzOTU0ZDAyYWM6aDpG>, and please share with anyone and everyone to urge the city council to pass Int. No. 549: bit.ly/EndSolitaryNY<https://url.avanan.click/v2/___https:/p2a.co/jxxfh9w___.YXAzOm55YXByczphOm86MGU5NTIxODQ3YjZjYzk1YjNiNzc3MDY4NjlkMTMyOTE6NjpiZjQyOjhkZWY5ZjdiMzUwYTk3NGRmOTg2MjllNGM2OWY1ZWQwNGJiNGNiN2RiM2QzYWY3NTdiOGNkMjE4Njk4YzkyOGE6aDpG>.

Share the Action Tool on Social Media

Please share the action tool on social media. Here is a sample post:

"Solitary confinement is torture. It is deadly. It worsens safety for everyone.

It must end now.

With supermajority support & the backing of the Speaker, the City Council must pass Int No 549 immediately to finally end solitary once and for all.


Nov 18 Memorial Action

Please RSVP<https://url.avanan.click/v2/___http:/bit.ly/Nov18Memorial___.YXAzOm55YXByczphOm86MGU5NTIxODQ3YjZjYzk1YjNiNzc3MDY4NjlkMTMyOTE6NjphMzNjOjA4M2ZlNTcxOTRhYWRkNzgxNzQwMjdiYWE2YzNjMjkyYWM0NmY5Yjc4YjZjMGFmZDgyYjRiZjBjYzFmZmYzNWQ6aDpG> to join the Jails Action Coalition, #HALTsolitary Campaign, and allies for a public memorial action to honor people killed by New York City jails and New York State prisons: bit.ly/Nov18Memorial<https://url.avanan.click/v2/___http:/bit.ly/Nov18Memorial___.YXAzOm55YXByczphOm86MGU5NTIxODQ3YjZjYzk1YjNiNzc3MDY4NjlkMTMyOTE6NjowNDg0Ojk1YzMwMjAwMDhmYjdiZmNhNjZlNjk1YzQwNWI2NmRmOGZhNmEwM2M5ZjQ1ZjZmYTIxOTc1NDI2OTQ5MjQzNDY6aDpG>. The memorial will be held on November 18 at 2 pm in Washington Square Park in NYC. A main focus of the action will be to read the names of hundreds of people we have lost, as a way to remember and honor everyone who has been killed by these systems. Please join us, please amplify here<https://url.avanan.click/v2/___https:/twitter.com/JailsAction/status/1716777594895368420___.YXAzOm55YXByczphOm86MGU5NTIxODQ3YjZjYzk1YjNiNzc3MDY4NjlkMTMyOTE6NjoxZTI0OjVmNTJmYWE1MWI3NmViZjE1OGE3YjkxMDkwNjdjODY3YzY3M2UxZjg2ZTc4ZTU5N2FkMWZkNmVlM2M1YTljMWE6aDpG>, and if you have lost a loved one and would be interested in being part of this action, please let us know and we would be honored to have you join.


Statewide Parole Justice Rallies

Our allies at the People's Campaign for Parole Justice are continuing their series of statewide rallies. Please RSVP to join<https://url.avanan.click/v2/___https:/rappcampaign.us17.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a32aca276b267683f307baaa5&id=3e7913ca4a&e=8c48fbdc77___.YXAzOm55YXByczphOm86MGU5NTIxODQ3YjZjYzk1YjNiNzc3MDY4NjlkMTMyOTE6NjpjYTE1Ojg4Nzk5NWIwMzhiNmE4OTUyZmJkNWY2M2QwMzE2NjYyOWU1NjNjYWI1OTA0NGQ2YjVlMjEyMmE3OTg0YzBmMWU6aDpG> the People's Campaign for Parole Justice at one or several rallies still to come as part of a statewide effort, Breaking Cycles of Harm and Violence. These actions are celebrating the critical work being done by formerly and currently incarcerated people and their families. And they are calling for passage of parole justice measures to bring home more leaders in this work.


RAPP Campaign 10-Year Anniversary Gala - Dec. 5, 2023

Tickets are now on sale for RAPP's 10 Year Anniversary Gala<https://url.avanan.click/v2/___https:/rappcampaign.us17.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a32aca276b267683f307baaa5&id=defa430aab&e=8c48fbdc77___.YXAzOm55YXByczphOm86MGU5NTIxODQ3YjZjYzk1YjNiNzc3MDY4NjlkMTMyOTE6NjoyZTRmOjRkZTFjY2IxNTA3NTU5YzBiMGVjYTk5MGRhYmI3YTJlYThhN2YzYjZjY2FjZWY2ZjE5ZDIzYmQxYTA2MzJjZWU6aDpG> on December 5, 2023!

>From our allies at the Release Aging People in Prison (RAPP) Campaign: Dear RAPP friends, family, and supporters,

Join us as we celebrate 10 years of family and freedom with our leaders, members, friends, and partners who have stayed close to us, worked alongside us, and healed with us. This event will embrace RAPP's history, victories, and pay homage to the leadership and community driven work of formerly incarcerated people and their families.

Guests are invited to join us for a cocktail reception, celebration, and ceremony to memorialize the lives of those lost to and after incarceration, including two of our four co-founders, Kathy Boudin and Mujahid Farid. We'll also honor awardees fighting for justice in the community, and celebrate 10 years of RAPP's accomplishments. The ceremony will be followed by a celebration where folks will be encouraged to move their body and dance if they can! This will be a night not to miss, as we gather with long-time friends and family to celebrate and remember the past and look towards and support the future.

Please consider donating tickets<https://url.avanan.click/v2/___https:/rappcampaign.us17.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a32aca276b267683f307baaa5&id=486f953ce2&e=8c48fbdc77___.YXAzOm55YXByczphOm86MGU5NTIxODQ3YjZjYzk1YjNiNzc3MDY4NjlkMTMyOTE6NjplY2FiOjc1ZmNlMjQ0ODM2NmM3MGMxZWMyMjExOTM5Y2Q5NmExNDFkNmI5YjEyNGNhMmUzZWY5OTRlNTQzOTVkODMwNzU6aDpG> to formerly incarcerated people and their families.


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