[Alliance Enews] ALERT: Daniel’s Law Task Force Stakeholder Meeting - Monday, Nov. 20, 3 to 5 p.m.

Harvey Rosenthal harveyr at rightsandrecovery.org
Fri Nov 3 11:07:38 EDT 2023

The Daniel’s Law Task Force will host the first among a series of stakeholder meetings intended to help improve the way communities engage individuals experiencing a behavioral health crisis. The first stakeholder engagement session will be hosted virtually on Monday, November 20 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., with a link to participate in the virtual session posted to the Daniel’s Law Task Force<https://url.avanan.click/v2/___https:/omh.ny.gov/omhweb/daniels-law-task-force/___.YXAzOm55YXByczphOm86OGQyMjM1ZDc2NGJjMGEyNDM2MTEwMDg5MzYzY2EyNjY6Njo1Y2EyOjM3ZTJmNWEwYmQ1ZDczMWU0NTdjM2ZiNjUyNzZlYzFlMWM4ZjcwMWMxOWVjYjAwMzg1ZjZlZDVmYmExYmNmMDk6aDpG> website. Please visit the website beginning next week to register for the meeting. Additional virtual and in-persons sessions will be scheduled during the coming weeks.

Established in response to the death of 41-year-old Daniel Prude in 2020, the task force is charged with developing recommendations to guide behavioral health crisis response and explore avenues for related diversion services. The task force first met in August and is now gathering statewide input from communities, governmental entities, and the public on the best practices for engaging individuals in crisis, with a specific emphasis on equity.

Please visit the webpage for more information.

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