[NYAPRS Enews] Check out SAMHSA Web Series on Recovery-Oriented Cognitive Therapy (CT-R)!

Harvey Rosenthal HarveyR at nyaprs.org
Thu Jan 11 06:08:42 EST 2018



Recovery-Oriented Cognitive Therapy (CT-R)
Webinar Series in Four Parts

January 3, 2018:
Theory, Evidence, and Activating the Adaptive Mode in CT-R
Part 1: Paul Grant and Ellen Inverso of the University of Pennsylvania discussed the development and utilization of Recovery-Oriented Cognitive Therapy with introduction of the "adaptive mode." View the recording<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001MmKE-Bqv6xq3kB7WLD04Gnc5KfH8aAFUfQEkaw7UFjfGwHvAUQ79q4Eou_kfoKHSZ7zB1RDDKo4yuXANlmgxCCFo01ItbDW_6yyLlyw5SuW33YeUOAqbCtzOdEf6N-tJlitabOoNvj_NzmnNDOcwuJFWHVdeLIQ_6R_YJZT6IyvQtekox7r-goysO2k7ZqLfOC7pg0skg8JUT2R76iuOYccAct5kIQdmYZfb1-jSHbyeg3gWgTYgLLHGVyKViNMSxuHbLYBdMruSwuPTTqAvgJ4XOwSJvYIJvbgt8GAa-QarmobNAiu28A==&c=CHbNIOT1rh0k7QPId4LbLqL5Ko0RDnH2sp294zQ7Os6csBsHMv4fUA==&ch=_pda_AFGqkQJn2BzxSUmlME3PTJqmJBLiSwOloumgaSQpvMaY_VNGQ==>.
January 17, 2018:
Discovering Meaningful Aspirations and Taking Action with CT-R
Part 2: Paul Grant and Ellen Inverso discuss eliciting an individual's hopes and dreams for motivating and energizing recovery via CT-R.
February 7, 2018:
Team-based CT-R for Building Empowerment and Resilience
Part 3: Paul Grant and Ellen Inverso focus on the use of CT-R in multidisciplinary services, energizing both the person and the team members.
February 21, 2018:
Implementation of CT-R Across a System, Lessons of success
Part 4: Arthur Evans, CEO of the American Psychological Association, and Paul Grant focus on the systemic large-scale implementation of CT-R sharing evidence of culture change.

While this is a four-part series, you may attend one or all the sessions. Registration will be necessary for each session. A one-hour continuing education credit, through NAADAC, is available for each session and brief quiz completed. Each session will be recorded and archived for future viewing.

  Register now!  <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001MmKE-Bqv6xq3kB7WLD04Gnc5KfH8aAFUfQEkaw7UFjfGwHvAUQ79q0xRxRzeFjRLZqMqDiZDVdULF4jZ2kyxly5tJa-mNBPiY8DqlEIbGfhaynm8aDezVtv_bjSEbJkQC3_GZyv9AMSqbTQgsQAal81lUCccUUNxGBEyEOjBUbX_ffq7MBhNq82sjSEx2RWOReyABFGrov5JTcJsLj75aJSu_y7MyuGSHZj0coLxfd0=&c=CHbNIOT1rh0k7QPId4LbLqL5Ko0RDnH2sp294zQ7Os6csBsHMv4fUA==&ch=_pda_AFGqkQJn2BzxSUmlME3PTJqmJBLiSwOloumgaSQpvMaY_VNGQ==>

Our first webinar series of 2018 will focus on recovery-oriented cognitive therapy (CT-R) for people who experience serious mental illness. CT-R is an empirically-supported approach that operationalizes recovery and resiliency principles in a person-centered, strength-based way. CT-R pairs with psychiatric practice to produce measurable progress, is readily teachable, and has been successfully implemented in with people with a range of needs and in many settings (hospital, residential, case management team, outpatient).

  *   Understand how an evidence-based, recovery-oriented cognitive therapy (CT-R) can operationalize recovery and resiliency.
  *   Learn mechanisms for employing CT-R processes and techniques within clinical practice.
  *   Explore methods for implementing evidence-based interventions across large behavioral health system.

Paul M. Grant, PhD, is an assistant professor of psychology in psychiatry at the Aaron T. Beck Psychopathology Research Center, University of Pennsylvania.
Ellen Inverso, PsyD, is the Director of Clinical Training and Education of the Beck Recovery Training Network at the Aaron T. Beck Psychopathology Research Center.
Arthur C. Evans, PhD, prior to assuming the role of CEO of the American Psychological Association, was commissioner of Philadelphia's Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Service.

Email <mailto:RTP at ahpnet.com> | Website<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001MmKE-Bqv6xq3kB7WLD04Gnc5KfH8aAFUfQEkaw7UFjfGwHvAUQ79qzJvqE4I_uLSppxsObn5zBMGfSe1J8DhkwREpHw9GCvrKCog00FZcWoxY3kqHdzVOSoBdMTSIPPvXt_jgm6urTtmkcXLCeArCIFm7_JWMlnQ8y42W-y1YIHQE8M2veG0IxQv-pNeFWl7&c=CHbNIOT1rh0k7QPId4LbLqL5Ko0RDnH2sp294zQ7Os6csBsHMv4fUA==&ch=_pda_AFGqkQJn2BzxSUmlME3PTJqmJBLiSwOloumgaSQpvMaY_VNGQ==>


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