[NYAPRS Enews] ALERT: Take Action to Save the ADA!

Elena Kravitz ElenaK at nyaprs.org
Fri Feb 9 07:54:25 EST 2018

NYAPRS Note: Join us in the fight to defeat H.R. 620 in the House of Representatives by participating in the following Days of Action:


SAVE THE ADA! - 2/8/2018

Next week, on Wednesday, February 14 or Thursday, February 15, the House of Representatives may vote on H.R. 620, a dangerous bill that strips away the civil rights of people with disabilities.  We hope you will join the disability and civil rights communities to fight this terrible bill.

H.R. 620, the so-called "ADA Education and Reform Act of 2017," says that businesses no longer have to be proactive and make sure that they are accessible to people with disabilities.  Instead, a business can remain inaccessible until a person with a disability who has been denied access jumps through multiple hoops to notify the business that it is violating the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and then waits up to 6 months for the business to make "progress" in fixing the problem. These notice requirements and vague "progress" mean that it will be months before people with disabilities can see the doctor, or buy a cake, or eat at a restaurant with friends.  This bill is a travesty and upends the intent and purpose of the ADA.  No other individuals protected by our civil rights laws are treated this way and bear this burden.  It is unacceptable.

Please join us in the fight to defeat H.R. 620 in the House of Representatives by participating in the following Days of Action:

  *   Friday, February 9- Monday, February 12: SEND EMAIL ACTIONS urging members of the House to VOTE NO on H.R. 620;
  *   Monday, February 12: ASK your supporters and members to participate in the Save The ADA CALL IN DAY and tell their representative to VOTE NO on H.R. 620;
  *   Tuesday, February 13: GET ON SOCIAL MEDIA (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) and post your opposition to HR 620 all day long, using hashtags #HandsOffMyADA, #VoteNoHR620, #CripTheVote;
  *   Any day, SEND A LETTER of opposition to HR 620 to all House offices;
  *   Day of the vote (possibly Wednesday or Thursday): CALL AND TWEET all day and tell members of the House to VOTE NO!
On our website, you can find a list of resources<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001zM7Guz2LucyBRXfTyxSRy-axBJLvuf-MQFmwvHw72OoEu3KNb6pNSiEUEuxUzIOpas0jv8zVPPRfzxJZ9K93dDdgnLg-YIO_vMXcezjo6Ib_3bL2bB7CDx9FDKynwXlBSOIC5zeMFsLkwWDvqm0v5YO1BUCBKnl1Mr3G3nIh6j7dibarCEr7JEe1ZJFEckOdwT7Z6aZsWt-JJFJO-wjGWHPBDSCuqkMJbAoGvuQ1RIqdeD2QrVvlKcKSjqhsNsN4V6pjGu2jH5M=&c=2C8OBMCp7CjPozigxhqtPYRSS15sKBKW73wR1ne2q5qG2al4PDcUmA==&ch=5UHFqrz3qwLjPg4WNujt3QdJEz0yP0WV2fDFmMLbGDAobR0tH_uUog==> and a toolkit<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001zM7Guz2LucyBRXfTyxSRy-axBJLvuf-MQFmwvHw72OoEu3KNb6pNSiEUEuxUzIOpmVyDkRUZS-Sap8fk-R6MlQUS8Xti-1eJfc43pyJFq4DA0CaIOxj6wzkg8JafrU5ObDBja33pjkXVaA_AKmji-GZkAPks477paSRqOaW8roiVIRXYw7zYURMV9Zhw-MIkr1lrz0ROs_OT0YTs8Qv9jD7-EG0VgtOXcxQ5f48qOwVz-PNT6RxzYiZu24D6TmHvH259AIXYrv4=&c=2C8OBMCp7CjPozigxhqtPYRSS15sKBKW73wR1ne2q5qG2al4PDcUmA==&ch=5UHFqrz3qwLjPg4WNujt3QdJEz0yP0WV2fDFmMLbGDAobR0tH_uUog==> of sample tweets, template action alerts, and phone scripts.

It has been 27 years since the passage of the ADA and yet people with disabilities still face enormous barriers.  This bill will only make things worse, not better.
Help us tell this Congress that the civil rights of people with disabilities will not be bargained away.

Thank you!

Your Support Is Needed

The Bazelon Center relies on contributions from our allies to ensure that our staff can fight for protections and services for people with mental disabilities. Please consider making a gift today.

Donate Now<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001zM7Guz2LucyBRXfTyxSRy-axBJLvuf-MQFmwvHw72OoEu3KNb6pNSnFFzJ98eh2QDwYImTxANSTd2OzsPuJT4vZDwWJ4jE9DVTgXQEHmK1xc77SItEFn5lu3KArDJqN99RWc83bg4RS1mKyNquHgYnNEhkx2GURQvYrv6nD05UWOl93Ty-tLsFGhCRPNyDwbn4oMxW1khy0=&c=2C8OBMCp7CjPozigxhqtPYRSS15sKBKW73wR1ne2q5qG2al4PDcUmA==&ch=5UHFqrz3qwLjPg4WNujt3QdJEz0yP0WV2fDFmMLbGDAobR0tH_uUog==>

Judge David L. Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law | communications at bazelon.org<mailto:communications at bazelon.org> | 202-467-5730 | bazelon.org<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001zM7Guz2LucyBRXfTyxSRy-axBJLvuf-MQFmwvHw72OoEu3KNb6pNSpAP84dGehUQNBFKP2W5VFVBKG9gRj6tDL2BFYE9CgKmILO-sohZYcf6WRQ7pXawkCYWtTyoFi30hzqg7h0pwTbeX5FJecG6r6fee6yZJ7wZFn2nRuqV3dQ=&c=2C8OBMCp7CjPozigxhqtPYRSS15sKBKW73wR1ne2q5qG2al4PDcUmA==&ch=5UHFqrz3qwLjPg4WNujt3QdJEz0yP0WV2fDFmMLbGDAobR0tH_uUog==>

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