[NYAPRS Enews] TIME SENSITIVE: Please Help Someone to Find their Purpose, Voice and Community!!

Harvey Rosenthal HarveyR at nyaprs.org
Thu Aug 25 09:04:06 EDT 2016

NYAPRS Note: Once again, NYAPRS has to find a way to respond to a very large number of requests for consumer scholarships to attend an Annual Conference that has meant to much to so many. We turned to our E News readership for help and so far you have donated funds to allow 12 individuals to experience for the first time what many have called an 'awakening' (see below for more). Please help us help more individuals to join us this fall by sending in your donation at http://www.nyaprs.org/donate/index.cfm. Thank you!


Please Support the Next Generation of Recovery Leaders to Find Their Hope, Inspiration, Voice and Community!

Dear NYAPRS E-News Readers,

For over 3 decades, the NYAPRS Annual Conference has given thousands the unforgettable opportunity to find the hope, inspiration and support to create a new vision for what is possible within their lives....and the information to carry that forward.

Along the way, it has become one of the most acclaimed and admired events in the nation, well known for its unparalleled spirit and celebration of recovery, rehabilitation, rights, fellowship and a full life in the community for all.

Where else can you learn so much from over 100 of the most gifted presenters in the state and nation, experience healing sessions, enjoy the spirited Cultural Diversity Bash and eat and dance to your hearts content at our famous outdoor BBQ, all set in a retreat-like setting within the lovely Catskill Mountains?

But each year, it's gotten harder and harder for us to extend this life-changing experience to the next group of emerging recovery champions and leaders, and we find ourselves no longer able to subsidize the scholarships as we have for decades.

Your tax deductible donation of $399 will cover the full cost of registration, lodging, all programs and sessions and meals. Of course, we greatly appreciate whatever you can give to help bring hope and healing to those who could never attend otherwise. Please read the heartfelt testimonials below!
Phyllis Fisher, New York City

The NYAPRS Conference has meant everything towards my recovery. I finally feel like I am a part of a community and know that I can live a fulfilling and active life. I owe all of this to being given the opportunity to attend the Annual Conference thanks to the scholarship.

Tressa Rossi, Johnstown


This is the first conference that I have ever been to that is largely represented by individuals who proudly state that they have "lived experience". I saw each and every person see their own specific recovery in their own eyes.  The NYAPRS Annual Conference normalizes, allowing all to come together to learn, collaborate, communicate, socialize, support and to most of all have fun with one another.

Michael Stoltz,Ronkonkoma

Time and again, I've seen how transformative this Conference is and how it jumpstarts and recovery of so many of our members. They come back looking like new people...with so much more energy and resolve to take hold of their recoveries and their lives.

Arthur Evans, Philadelphia

The NYAPRS Annual Conference is one of the most extraordinary events in the nation. I'm always struck by how many of the workshop presenters typically keynote at other such events. The heart of the experience comes from the hundreds of consumers who are clearly so grateful for the spirit that celebrates hope and recovery.

Please click here<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=8bjxmdyab.0.0.oa7ai5jab.0&id=preview&r=3&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nyaprs.org%2Fdonate%2Findex.cfm> to submit donations to our PayPal, entering "Consumer Scholarship Donation" in the notes/memo field.
Or,mail your check made payable to NYAPRS to:
NYAPRS Conference Planning Team
194 Washington Ave Albany, NY 12210.

Contact Casey Ciceron at caseyc at nyaprs.org<mailto:caseyc at nyaprs.org> with any questions

For more information about this event or to join NYAPRS visit us online at www.nyaprs.org,<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=8bjxmdyab.0.0.oa7ai5jab.0&id=preview&r=3&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nyaprs.org%2F> or call our office at 518.436.0008!

DONATE NOW!<https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_flow&SESSION=tXE8A3OwS_krJSe8UWn4ptrliSx9ZDMSfgV5yVgcgc0dBTExFGYeKu4RNM8&dispatch=5885d80a13c0db1f8e263663d3faee8d64813b57e559a2578463e58274899069>
 DONATE NOW!<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=8bjxmdyab.0.0.oa7ai5jab.0&id=preview&r=3&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nyaprs.org%2Fdonate%2Findex.cfm>

NYAPRS | 518.436.0008 | fax: 518.436.0044 | www.nyaprs.org<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=8bjxmdyab.0.0.oa7ai5jab.0&id=preview&r=3&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nyaprs.org%2F>


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[Follow us on Twitter]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=8bjxmdyab.0.0.oa7ai5jab.0&id=preview&r=3&p=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fnyaprs>

[View our profile on LinkedIn]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=8bjxmdyab.0.0.oa7ai5jab.0&id=preview&r=3&p=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Fcompany%2Fnew-york-association-of-psychiatric-rehabilitation-services%3Ftrk%3Dcompany_logo>

NYAPRS, 194 Washington Ave, Suite 400, Albany, NY 12210

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