[NYAPRS Enews] SAMHSA American Indian/Alaska Native Culture Card

Briana Gilmore BrianaG at nyaprs.org
Tue Feb 17 09:06:00 EST 2015

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American Indian/Alaska Native Culture Card


[https://staticapp.icpsc.com/icp/loadimage.php/mogile/1109946/4fc1d64d3fcf652054ec5dbffed9dfcb/image/jpeg]In 2009 SAMHSA developed the American Indian/Alaska Native Culture Card "...to provide basic information for Federal disaster responders and other service providers who may be deployed or otherwise assigned to provide or coordinate services in American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities"  This guide was intended "to serve as a general briefing to enhance cultural competence while providing services to AI/AN communities..."  The audience for the Culture Care is primarily non-Indian service providers and disaster responders, though it is has been used by many others over the past 6 years.

Since the Culture Card was made available through the SAMSHA Clearinghouse, 324,894 free copies have been requested and distributed across the country.

Because the Clearinghouse is reducing their storage footprint, SAMHSA would like to highlight the availability of an additional 230,000 copies of the Culture Card.  Rather than having the Culture Cards recycled we want to get this product into the hands of people who can use them.

To order AI/AN Culture Card simply click on the following link and place your order:  http://store.samhsa.gov/product/American-Indian-and-Alaska-Native-Culture-Card/SMA08-4354<http://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=1484058&msgid=492395&act=LYDQ&c=1109946&destination=http%3A%2F%2Fstore.samhsa.gov%2Fproduct%2FAmerican-Indian-and-Alaska-Native-Culture-Card%2FSMA08-4354>.  Feel free to order as many as you want!

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