[NYAPRS Enews] MCTAC Training on Revenue and Utilization Management: NYC, Buffalo, and Albany!

Briana Gilmore BrianaG at nyaprs.org
Thu Apr 2 09:11:28 EDT 2015

NYAPRS Note: Transitioning to a managed care environment in NY and you’re still not sure where you stand? Worried about your revenue cycle in a system where utilization is managed? Join one of the technical assistance opportunities below with MCTAC to gain valuable resources, and bring staff members to better understand the role the whole team plays in moving forward successfully.


Attention: All New York State Adult and Children Behavioral Health Providers
Greetings Colleagues—
The Managed Care Technical Assistance Center (MCTAC) is excited to announce new training opportunities for providers in preparation for the shift to Managed Care. These trainings will be for executive agency leadership at both adult and children-serving agencies.
Revenue Cycle Management/Utilization Management/Outcomes Training Series:
MCTAC will offer 3 in-person training opportunities that will cover a general overview of preparing for Managed Care related to Revenue Cycle Management, Utilization Management, and Outcomes.
New York City: Friday, April 17th, 2015, 9-5pm, Rosenthal Pavilion 60 Washington Square South, Kimmel Center, 10th floor. Register here!<https://t.e2ma.net/click/6lg3i/ahjdyub/ucd5ic>
Buffalo: Friday, May 1st, 2015, 9-5pm, Buffalo Niagara Marriott, 1340 Millersport Hwy, Amherst, NY 14221. Register here!<https://t.e2ma.net/click/6lg3i/ahjdyub/a5d5ic>
Albany: Friday, May 29th, 2015, 9-5pm The Desmond Hotel & Conference Center, 660 Albany Shaker Rd, Albany, NY 12211. Register here! <https://t.e2ma.net/click/6lg3i/ahjdyub/qxe5ic>
These in-person trainings will serve as kick offs to be followed by two subsequent Learning Communities for both Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) and Utilization Management (UM). The Learning Communities will drill down in greater detail what providers can do to optimize their readiness for Managed Care. Content areas include the following:

RCM Learning Community Content

UM Learning Community Content

1.Scheduling & pre-registration and point-of-service registration & collection

2. Charge capture & coding

3. Claim submission and payer follow-up

4. Remittance processing and appeals, collections, and analysis

5. Office hours

1. Developing and implementing effective utilization management practices within your organization

2. Developing effective practices for those supervising utilization management staff

3. Developing an effective utilization management staff

4. Utilization management overview for the front-line staff: what is it and how will it impact my work?

5. Office hours: utilization management case studies

The Learning Communities will be staggered, beginning first for NYC-based providers and then expanding to providers statewide.
Interested providers can apply for the Learning Communities by filling out our application which will be available online shortly.
Please visit our website at MCTAC.org<https://t.e2ma.net/click/6lg3i/ahjdyub/6pf5ic> to stay up to date on Managed Care readiness tools, resources, and announcements.
If you have any questions, feel free to email us at mctac.info at nyu.edu<mailto:mctac.info at nyu.edu>.
Many thanks,
Dr. Andrew Cleek



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