[NYAPRS Enews] NYSRA Announces New President and CEO Michael Seereiter

Harvey Rosenthal HarveyR at nyaprs.org
Mon Aug 19 17:02:49 EDT 2013

NYAPRS Note: Congratulations to our colleagues at the NYS Rehabilitation Association for selecting Michael Seereiter as their new President and CEO. Michael is a longtime dedicated, skilled and passionate advocate for people with disabilities and we look forward to working closely with him and NYSRA in the years to come.
[New York State Rehabilitation Association]


[http://ih.constantcontact.com/fs159/1105083501959/img/761.png]NYSRA, on behalf of its Board of Directors is pleased to announce that Michael Seereiter will assume the role of President and CEO of NYSRA/RRTI beginning October 1, 2013.

Prior to serving as Director of Planning for the NYS Office of Mental Health (OMH), Michael was the Administrator of the New York Makes Work Pay program, a federally-funded grant program lead by NYS OMH supporting competitive employment opportunities and outcomes for all New Yorkers with disabilities.  Michael previously served as Director of Mental Hygiene Services in the New York State Executive Chamber, with oversight responsibility for the agencies serving people with psychiatric disabilities, developmental disabilities and addiction treatment needs.  Before joining the Governor's office, Michael served as Director of Public Policy for the Mental Health Association in New York State, Inc., playing a lead role in efforts to enact the mental health insurance parity law known as Timothy's Law and legislation to ban the use of solitary confinement for prisoners with psychiatric disabilities.  Prior to the Mental Health Association, Michael served as Legislative Director for then-New York State Assembly Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Committee Chair, Marty Luster (Ithaca).  On a personal level, Michael has a brother with Down syndrome - an experience he credits for helping to drive him into a professional career working on behalf of individuals with disabilities.  Michael graduated from Ithaca College in 1999 with a Bachelor of Arts degree.

We are very pleased to welcome Michael to NYSRA/RRTI and look forward to the future under his leadership.

Jack Campbell, Chair

NYSRA Board of Directors


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 It is the Mission of

NYSRA to advocate for and support communities and systems that effectively foster opportunities for independence, inclusion, employment, and life-enrichment for people with disabilities.

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