[NYAPRS Enews] ACMHA: CDC Releases Important Mental Health Action Plan

Harvey Rosenthal harveyr at nyaprs.org
Fri Sep 2 06:56:20 EDT 2011

Dear Colleagues:


Today, CDC is releasing the attached Public Health Action Plan to
Integrate Mental Health Promotion and Mental Illness Prevention with
Chronic Disease, 2011-2015.  This document highlights the importance of
mental health promotion and mental illness prevention in a public health
context.  The document also can be accessed at the CDC mental health web
page at http://www.cdc.gov/mentalhealth/ .


These developments are very important for our field, and they reflect
the very first efforts to integrate positive mental health into public
health interventions.




Ron Manderscheid, PhD

Executive Director,

Natl Assn of Co Beh Hlth & Dev Dis Dirs/www.nacbhdd.org

25 Massachusetts Ave, NW,  Ste 500  

Washington, DC 20001

The Voice of Local Authorities in the Nation's Capital! 

202-942-4296 (O); 202-553-1827 (M); rmanderscheid at nacbhd.org





ACMHA: The College for Behavioral Health Leadership/www.acmha.org 

Cultivating Leaders/Fostering Innovation!


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