[NYAPRS Enews] Sibelius: Eight Ways the Health Care Law Helps You

Harvey Rosenthal harveyr at nyaprs.org
Fri Dec 30 10:10:19 EST 2011

2011 Year in Review:  Eight Ways the Health Care Law Helps You

By Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services

As we ring in the New Year, we also want to take a minute to reflect on
the progress we made in 2011.  I'm proud to say that we had a very
productive year for protecting the health of all Americans, especially
those who are least able to help themselves.  From strengthening
Medicare to expanding access to preventive services to holding insurance
companies accountable - young adults, families, and seniors have begun
to see benefits from the health care law that took effect in 2010.

Here are eight important ways that you or your family might have
benefited from the health law in 2011:

Making Sure More Americans Have Health Coverage - 2.5 million more young
adults <http://www.healthcare.gov/blog/2011/12/youngadults12142011.html>
have health insurance coverage thanks to a provision in the health law
allowing young adults to remain on their parents' health insurance until
age 26 <http://www.hhs.gov/news/press/2011pres/12/20111214d.html> .
This means more young adults in this country can now go on and live
their lives with less worry about visiting their doctor when they get
sick, or facing catastrophic medical bills if they are in an accident.

Families around the country are benefitting from this part of the law,
including families like the Houghs, whose daughter Natalie was diagnosed
with a rare heart condition after suffering cardiac arrest at school.
Her condition requires a lifetime of medication and care.  Now, thanks
to the health care law, Natalie can stay on her family's plan and has
started college.  And by the time she turns 26 it will be illegal for a
plan to deny coverage to anyone, regardless of their health, and Natalie
will have access to a choice of quality, affordable health plans.

Shedding Light on Insurance Companies - Prior to the Affordable Care
Act, insurance companies in too many states were able to raise their
rates without explaining their actions.  Now, insurers who want to hike
their rates by 10%or more have to explain and justify those increases in
writing <http://www.healthcare.gov/blog/2011/09/ratereview090111.html> .
Experts will scrutinize those explanations and, in many cases, can tell
the insurer to reduce their price.

As a result of this law, over the last year, 42 states, the District of
Columbia and the five U.S. territories have stiffened their oversight of
proposed health insurance rate increases.  And results are beginning to
come in <http://www.healthcare.gov/blog/2011/11/ratereview11212011.html>
.  For example, Connecticut's Insurance Department rejected a 20% rate
hike by one insurer. Oregon chopped the rate increase by one of its
largest insurers almost in half, saving money for 60,000 people. 

Giving You More Value for Your Dollar - A new consumer protection took
effect in 2011 called the 80 / 20 rule.  It makes sure that at least
80%of your premium dollars are being spent on health care and improving
your care - not on advertising and executive salaries. If your insurer
fails this test, you get a rebate, starting this summer.  This rule
makes sure that you get your money's worth
<http://www.healthcare.gov/law/features/costs/value-for-premium/>  from
your health insurance company.

Expanding Access to Free Preventive Care and Services - Under the
Affordable Care Act, you and your family may be eligible for free
preventive services
<http://www.healthcare.gov/blog/2011/06/prevention06142011a.html> .  You
may now have access to free preventive services such as:

*         Blood pressure readings, cholesterol tests, and nutrition

*         Many cancer screenings, including mammograms and colonoscopies

*         Flu and pneumonia shots

*         Routine vaccinations against diseases such as measles,
hepatitis, and meningitis

Strengthening Medicare - Millions of Americans are enjoying improved
Medicare coverage
<http://www.healthcare.gov/blog/2011/09/medicare09082011.html>  at a
lower cost. Medicare's premiums have remained stable and the Part B
deductible will drop in 2012.  Medicare beneficiaries now have access to
free preventive measures like physicals, flu shots, tobacco cessation
programs, mammograms, and colonoscopies.  Medicare will cover an annual
wellness visit with no charge to seniors.

Thanks to the health law, the Medicare prescription drug coverage gap
known as the donut hole
<http://www.healthcare.gov/glossary/d/donuthole.html>  is starting to
close.  Through the end of October, 2.65 million people with Medicare
have received discounts on brand name drugs in the donut hole.  These
discounts have saved seniors and people with disabilities a total of
$1.5 billion on prescriptions - averaging about $569 per person.

Putting More Doctors in Your Community - The number of doctors, nurses,
and health care professionals in the National Health Service Corps has
nearly tripled in the last three years
<http://www.healthcare.gov/blog/2011/10/nhsc10132011.html> .  For the
first time in its forty year history, the National Health Service Corps
can count more than 10,000 members in its ranks.

Improving Patient Safety - In April 2011 the Partnership for Patients
launched.  This is a national partnership that will help save 60,000
<http://www.healthcare.gov/blog/2011/04/improvingcare04122011.html>  in
the next three years by preventing medical errors. The Partnership for
Patients also has the potential to save up to $50 billion in Medicare
over the next 10 years.  More than 6,500 partners, including over 2,900
hospitals as well as physicians and nurses groups, consumer groups, and
employers, have pledged their commitment to the Partnership for
Patients. <http://www.healthcare.gov/compare/partnership-for-patients/> 

This will help patients across the country
tml> , including patient advocate Sorrel King.  In 2001, Sorrel's
18-month old daughter Josie accidentally suffered burns requiring a
hospital stay.  At first, Josie was getting better.  However, after a
series of unintentional but totally preventable mistakes and
complications, Josie died.  She became one of 44,000 to 98,000 Americans
who die every year from preventable medical errors.

Cracking Down on Health Care Fraud - The Affordable Care Act has given
us strong tools to fight fraud.  In 2011, the Department of Justice
recovered more than $5.6 billion in fraud
government-wide.  Of the $5.6 billion, $2.9 billion was in health care
fraud alone.  Providers now have to go through tougher screening
procedures before they can start billing Medicare.  And we've given
investigators new tools that allow them to analyze data in order to
identify and stop suspicious payments before they go out.  As part of
the law, we also released new rules that will give states the
flexibility to recover improper Medicaid payments, saving more than $2
billion over the next five years, with nearly $1 billion going back to
the states.


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