[NYAPRS Enews] Study: Self-Directed Care Found Effective for Persons with Psych. Disabilities

Harvey Rosenthal harveyr at nyaprs.org
Fri Aug 27 09:42:28 EDT 2010

NYAPRS Note: Here's recent positive research on self directed care
approaches for people with psychiatric disabilities that concludes that
"overall the findings indicate that persons with mental illnesses under
self-directed services were able to successfully manage the cash option.
If needed, individuals could appoint representatives or were offered
consultants to help them manage all cash option responsibilities."

The study also identified several policy implications: 1. A
self-directed option for services can be a valuable approach for persons
with mental illnesses. 

2. Self-directed care provides a process that may create a better match
between an individual with a mental illness and a caregiver than
traditional methods. Individuals and their families can choose workers
who would be a comfortable fit. This may lead to improved worker
recruitment and ultimately better retention of caregivers. 3. With the
growing need for long-term care and limited available resources, a
self-directed cash option may help avoid institutionalization and other
high cost options for persons with mental illnesses." 

The newly reformulated 1915.i Home and Community Based Services Option
gives state the opportunity to bring self direction to their citizens
with psychiatric and other disabilities. Mental health advocates in New
York and nationally should work with states to push for the adoption of
this transformative opportunity. 


SAMHSA Study: Self-Directed Care Found Effective for Persons with Mental



Recent years have seen a growing movement toward self-directed services.
The Cash and Counseling Demonstration and Evaluation program was an
experiment in shifting the design of the service delivery of in-home and
community-based long-term care to a self-directed care model,
emphasizing consumer choice and control. 


In a recently-issued report, findings of a SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services Administration) funded study of outcomes of
adults with mental illnesses in the Cash and Counseling program compared
to those receiving usual and traditional Medicaid services revealed that
such individuals experienced:

* higher satisfaction with their quality of life;

* higher satisfaction with their paid caregivers; 

* fewer unmet needs;

* no more injuries or other adverse health outcomes than other patients;

* no significant differences in total expenditures; and were

* able to successfully manage the cash option.


The report, entitled Self-Directed Care in Mental Health:  Learnings
from the Cash & Counseling Demonstration Evaluation, can be accessed
on-line at:
2.pdf or ordered from:
http://nmhicstore.samhsa.gov/publications/ordering.aspx#SMA10-4522 or



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