[NYAPRS Enews] NYT: Fatal Illness More Likely In Bipolar Patients

Matt Canuteson MattC at nyaprs.org
Wed Mar 4 08:27:29 EST 2009

NYAPRS Note: Researchers reviewing 17 studies in the February issue of
Psychiatric Services found that people with bipolar disorder are at a
greater risk for a number of fatal illnesses. Mortality in the over
331,000 people studied ranged from 35%-200% higher than comparison

The study found that almost every cause of death was higher among people
with bipolar disorder and researchers stated that "The chronic stress of
bipolar illness may lead to metabolic syndrome and atherosclerosis
w.html?inline=nyt-classifier> , or to insulin resistance, which increase
the risk for sudden cardiac death. And psychiatric medications, because
many lead to weight gain, may increase the risk for diabetes and
cardiovascular disorders". Co-author of the study Wayne Kanton stated
that "Good medicine means integrated mental health
pics/mentalhealthanddisorders/index.html?inline=nyt-classifier>  and
primary care."



Risk: Fatal Illness More Likely In Bipolar Patients 

By Nicholas Bakalar New York Times March 3rd 2009

People with bipolar disorder
ew.html?inline=nyt-classifier>  are at risk for an array of fatal
illnesses, according to a review of 17 studies involving more than
331,000 patients.

The researchers, writing in the February issue of Psychiatric Services
> , looked at studies of patients whose bipolar illness was severe
enough to require hospitalization. Mortality in those patients ranged
from 35 percent to 200 percent higher than in comparison groups. 

In the larger studies, almost every cause of death was higher among
bipolar patients: cardiovascular, respiratory, cerebrovascular
(including strokes), and endocrine (like diabetes
inline=nyt-classifier> ). In the smaller studies, mortality from
cerebrovascular disease
line=nyt-classifier>  was higher among those with bipolar illness, but
they showed inconsistent results, probably because they used smaller
samples or less representative populations.

Several markers of inflammation - often a precursor of heart attacks and
strokes - are higher among bipolar patients than others. The chronic
stress of bipolar illness may lead to metabolic syndrome and
w.html?inline=nyt-classifier> , or to insulin resistance, which increase
the risk for sudden cardiac death. And psychiatric medications, because
many lead to weight gain, may increase the risk for diabetes and
cardiovascular disorders.

Dr. Wayne Katon, a professor of psychiatry
pics/psychiatry_and_psychiatrists/index.html?inline=nyt-classifier>  at
the University of Washington
versity_of_washington/index.html?inline=nyt-org>  and a co-author of the
study, said psychiatric patients and their families should try to make
sure they are getting good medical care. "Good medicine," he said,
"means integrated mental health
pics/mentalhealthanddisorders/index.html?inline=nyt-classifier>  and
primary care."





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